El modelo MOPECO (Modelo de Optimización Económica del riego), desarrollado por el CREA, es un modelo de ayuda a la toma de decisiones en la selección de la distribución de cultivos que maximiza el margen bruto de una explotación de regadío. Además, el modelo es capaz de proporcionar una gran cantidad de resultados que pueden ser de utilidad para agricultores, técnicos e investigadores (p.e. calendarios de riegos, funciones “riego/margen bruto”; funciones “margen bruto/riego”, riesgo asociado a la obtención de un cierto margen bruto, etc), bajo un amplio rango de escenarios diferentes (distinto CU del sistema de riego, utilización de agua salina, etc.). Este modelo pretende ser especialmente útil en la gestión de zonas regables donde existan problemas de escasez de agua para riego.

Enlaces de acceso
MOPECO - Ejemplos de uso
- de Juan, J.A., Tarjuelo, J.M., Valiente, M., García, P., 1996. Model for optimal cropping patterns within the farm based on crop water production functions and irrigation uniformity I: Development of a decision model. Agric. Water Manage., 31, 115-193.
- Ortega J.F., de Juan, J.A., Martín-Benito, J.M., López-Mata, E., 2004. MOPECO: an economic optimization model for irrigation water management. Irrig. Sci. 23 (2), 61-75.
- López-Mata, E., Tarjuelo, J.M., de Juan, J.A., Ballesteros, R., Domínguez, A., 2010. Effect of irrigation uniformity on the profitability of crops. Agric. Water Manage., 98, 190-198.
- Domínguez, A., Tarjuelo, J.M., de Juan, J.A., López-Mata, E., Breidy, J., Karam, F., 2011. Deficit irrigation under water stress and salinity conditions: The MOPECO-salt model. Agric. Water Manage., 98, 1451-1461.
- Domínguez A., Martínez R.S., de Juan J.A., Martínez-Romero A., Tarjuelo J.M. 2012a. Simulation of maize crop behaviour under deficit irrigation using MOPECO model in a semi-arid environment. Agric. Water Manage., 107, 42-53.
- Domínguez A., de Juan J.A., Tarjuelo J.M., Martínez R.S., Martínez-Romero A. 2012b. Determination of optimal regulated deficit irrigation strategies for maize in a semi-arid environment. Agric. Water Manage., 110, 67-77.
- Domínguez, A., Jiménez, M., Tarjuelo, J.M., de Juan, J.A., Martínez-Romero, A., Leite, K.N., 2012c. Simulation of onion crop behaviour under optimized regulated deficit irrigation using MOPECO model in a semi-arid environment. Agric. Water Manage., 113, 64-75.
- Domínguez A., Martínez-Romero A., Leite K.N., Tarjuelo J.M., de Juan J.A., López-Urrea R., 2013. Combination of typical meteorological year with regulated deficit irrigation to improve the profitability of garlic in central Spain. Agric. Water Manage. 130, 154-167.
- Carvalho, D.F., Domínguez, A., Neto, D.H.O., Tarjuelo, J.M., Martínez-Romero, A., 2014. Combination of sowing date with deficit irrigation for improving the profitability of carrot in a tropical environment (Brazil). Sci. Hortic. (Amsterdam). 179, 112–121.
- Leite, K.N., Cabello, M.J., Valnir Júnior, M., Tarjuelo, J.M., Domínguez, A., 2015a. Modelling sustainable salt water management under deficit irrigation conditions for melon in Spain and Brazil. J. Sci. Food Agric. 95, 2307-2318.
- Leite K.N., Martínez-Romero A., Tarjuelo J.M., Domínguez A., 2015b. Distribution of limited irrigation water based on optimized regulated deficit irrigation and typical metheorological year concepts. Agric. Water Manage. 148, 164-176.
- López-Mata E., Orengo-Valverde J.J., Tarjuelo J.M., Martínez-Romero A., Domínguez A., 2016. Development of a direct-solution algorithm for determining the optimal crop planning of farms using deficit irrigation. Agric. Water Manage. 171, 173-187.
- Domínguez, A., Martínez-Navarro, A., López-Mata, E., Tarjuelo, J.M., Martínez-Romero, A., 2017. Real farm management depending on the available volume of irrigation water (part I): Financial analysis. Agric. Water Manage. 192, 71–84.
- Léllis, B.C., Carvalho, D.F., Martínez-Romero, A., Tarjuelo, J.M., Domínguez, A., 2017. Effective management of irrigation water for carrot under constant and optimized regulated deficit irrigation in Brazil. Agric.Water Manage. 192, 294–305.
- Martínez-Romero, A., Martínez-Navarro, A., Pardo, J.J., Montoya, F., Domínguez, A., 2017. Real farm management depending on the available volume of irrigation water (part II): Analysis of crop parameters and harvest quality. Agric. Water Manage. 192, 58–70.
- Nascimento, A.K., Schwartz, R.C., Lima, F.A., López-Mata, E., Domínguez, A., Izquiel, A., Tarjuelo, J.M., Martínez-Romero, A., 2019. Effects of irrigation uniformity on yield response and production economics of maize in a semiarid zone. Agric. Water Manage., 211, 178–189.
- Martínez-Romero, A., Domínguez, A., Landeras, G., 2019. Regulated deficit irrigation strategies for different potato cultivars under continental Mediterranean-Atlantic conditions. Agric. Water Manage. 216, 164-176.
- López-Mata, E., Tarjuelo, J.M., Orengo, J., Pardo, J.J., Domínguez, A., 2019. Irrigation scheduling to maximize crop gross margin. Agric. Water Manage. 223, 105678.
- Fernández-García, I., Lecina, S., Ruiz-Sánchez, M.C., Vera, J., Conejero, W., Conesa, M.R., Domínguez, A., Pardo, J.J., Léllis, B.C., Montesinos, P., 2020. Trends and Challenges in Irrigation Scheduling in the Semi-Arid Area of Spain. Water. 12, 785.
- López-Urrea, R., Domínguez, A., Pardo, J.J., García-Vila, M., Martínez-Romero, A., 2020. Parameterization and comparison of the AquaCrop and MOPECO models for a high yielding barley cultivar under different irrigation levels. Agric. Water Manage. 230, 10931.
- Pardo, J.J., Martínez-Romero, A., Léllis, B.C., Tarjuelo, J.M., Domínguez, A., 2020. Effect of optimized regulated deficit irrigation methodology on water use in barley under semiarid conditions. Agric. Water Manage. 228, 105925.
- Sánchez-Virosta, A., Léllis, B.C., Pardo, J.J., Martínez-Romero, A., Sánchez-Gómez, D., Domínguez A., 2020. Functional response of garlic to optimized regulated deficit irrigation (ORDI) across crop stages and different years: Does ORDI ensure physiological performance at the most sensitive stages to water deficit? Agric. Water Manage. 228, 105886.
- Schwartz, R.C., Domínguez, A., Colaizzi, P.D., Baumhardt, R.L., Bell, J.M., 2020. A Crop Coefficient –based water use model with non-uniform root distribution. Agric. Water Manage. 228, 105892.